Exploring the Capabilities of Advanced Lab Reactors

For over nine decades, our scientific glassware company has been at the forefront of designing and manufacturing innovative solutions for laboratory processes. At H.S. Martin, our commitment lies in delivering top-notch glass reactors and engineered systems to meet the diverse needs of researchers and professionals across various industries. With a steadfast dedication to quality, safety, and precision, we present an array of lab reactors that cater to the evolving demands of chemical synthesis, production, and research projects.

Lab reactor system with glass and stainless steel components for specialized industrial and pharmaceutical use

Explore our range of lab reactors

Discover a wide range of meticulously manufactured lab reactors, each of which engineered to facilitate seamless chemical reactions and precise control over reaction parameters. From the versatile jacketed glass reactors to the advanced reactor-ready lab reactor systems, our lineup encompasses solutions for every scale of operation. 

Whether you’re embarking on a small-scale research project or a large-scale production project, our lab reactors offer the reliability and flexibility you need to achieve your goals efficiently.

Why use lab reactors?

Lab reactors serve as indispensable tools in the realm of chemistry, chemical synthesis and process development. Offering a controlled environment for experimentation, these reactors enable researchers to explore a myriad of reactions with utmost precision and safety. 

By utilizing lab reactors, scientists can optimize reaction conditions, monitor parameters such as temperature and pressure, and scale up production processes with confidence. From academic laboratories to industrial settings, the benefits of employing lab reactors are vast, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in various fields.

Different types of lab reactors

The quality of your laboratory glassware matters. Using superior quality glassware can help to avoid unforeseen hazards and give you total confidence in your results. Time is precious and having apparatus which you can rely upon means you can meet your project deadlines time after time.


Our lab reactors are constructed using high-quality materials such as borosilicate glass and stainless steel, ensuring durability and chemical resistance. Whether you require a single-layer glass reactor for simple processes or a jacketed glass reactor systems for precise temperature control, we offer solutions tailored to your specific needs.


Equipped with state-of-the-art features including overhead stirrers, interchangeable vessels, and reactor systems, our lab reactors empower researchers to conduct experiments with unparalleled accuracy and efficiency. Our reactors provide the versatility and reliability required for success.

What to look for in a laboratory reactor

When selecting a lab reactor for your applications, it’s essential to consider factors such as scalability, control options, and safety features. At H.S. Martin, we prioritize customer satisfaction by offering comprehensive support and guidance throughout the selection process. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring that you find the perfect lab reactor to suit your specific requirements, enabling you to achieve optimal results in your research or production projects.

In conclusion, lab reactors play a pivotal role in driving scientific progress and innovation across various industries. With H.S. Martin as your partner, you can trust in our commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions that empower you to achieve your goals with confidence and precision. Unlock the potential of your laboratory with our top-of-the-line laboratory reactors and experience the difference first-hand.

How we can help

At H.S. Martin, we understand the importance of reliable equipment and expert support in achieving success in the laboratory. With our wide range of lab reactors and related products, coupled with full access to our knowledgeable team, we are committed to being your trusted partner in scientific innovation. Whether you need assistance in selecting the right reactor system or require technical support for your existing equipment, we’re here to help every step of the way.

Ready to take your research or production processes to the next level? 

Visit our website today to explore our range of lab reactors and discover how H.S. Martin can support your endeavors with premium solutions tailored to your exact needs.

Distillation expert working on multiple computer screens with data and analytics related to a lab reactors systems